International company addresses

International company addresses

We have access to a database with a data pool of around 120 million marketing addresses from companies in around 200 countries.

All address data that you can obtain from us have the company name of the respective company, the full postal address (in the correct spelling of the respective country) and an industry code in the base address.

Our database enables target groups to be selected based on extensive selection criteria
E.g. industry, turnover and number of employees. In addition, we offer you the creation of a profile of your top-selling customers, which specifies the target group selection. On the basis of this profile, we select similar companies for which your offer is particularly interesting.

At the same time, we determine how high the market penetration is in your target segment. How many of these companies are not yet your customers? Use this potential to target new customers.
We look forward to being able to offer you the right target groups in the countries you want.
Please contact us, we will be happy to advise you!

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