Address and data management

Increase the response of your advertising with the right addresses!

Company addresses, private addresses, e-mail addresses - in Germany and numerous other countries.
With our current addresses (from Germany) we are sure to have the right solution for you.

Business and company addresses for marketing and sales

Do you want to expand your address list or address new target groups?

We deliver addresses of just under 4 million German companies , from different databases with qualified addresses and contact details.

Save yourself time-consuming research and increase the effectiveness of your saless.

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International company addresses - reach the right companies worldwide

Through cooperation with address publishers in the
different countries in the world

and through close cooperation with national partners whose core business is international address research, we are able to offer you address material from almost all over the world.

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Private & household addresses - for your B2C success!

The consumer market is highly competitive. Anyone who wants to survive here must either make high investments or use the advertising material in a targeted manner.

Win and convince new customers now: with the precise dispatch of your mailing! Define target group and address it personally. Contact us!

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Data service - address preparation - duplicate cleaning -

Dialogpost postage optimization
Preparation of your letters or advertising mailings according to certain guidelines. Postage optimization is the physical grouping of shipments into bundles.

Premium addresses
Is the "new" advance directive from the post office
digital address maintenance . Incorrect or incorrect addresses are recorded and made available to you for download.

Conversion and data preparation
Transfer your data from multiple lists to
almost all data formats Excel, CSV, ...

Postal correction
Addresses that cannot be corrected by machine will be returned to you for manual research.

Duplicate comparison
We should make the delimitation of the doublet definition with regard to similarities, for example, together before the comparison.

Relocation, deceased and undeliverable checks

Comparison with relocation database (NCOA) the DPAG. In Germany, around 22,000 consumers and companies move every day. You can bring your customer addresses up to date by comparing them against the relocation database.

Deceased database the DPAG. Mourning relatives often react angrily when consignments are sent to the addresses of the deceased.

NDR files the DPAG. With a comparison, you can significantly reduce the number of mail returns. Approx. 1 million removals are entered into the database every year for which there is no new address, but for which it is certain that no one can be reached at the present address and that Post would be returned as undeliverable.

Enrichment of negative and creditworthiness characteristics

Negative wash balance
Personal credit scoring. Can only be used as a wash calibration! Advantages: Avoidance of mailings to insolvent and insolvent recipients. Reduction in the amount of dispatch and the non-payers rate.
Origin of the reference data: beDirect.

The product HPS market segments is based on consumer surveys and also contains results from internal scoring applications. With the individual market segments you optimize the selection of the target group data intended for a purpose for postal or e-mail distribution, or for the optimized selection of offline and Internet advertising media.

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